Politicized Christianity is harmful.

How could people trust religious leaders who helped make possible “the war to end all wars,” a brutal conflict that affected millions of people and their families, that led to economic collapse in Germany and Russia and deprivation throughout Europe and set the stage for more violence and war. It was the aftermath of World War I that bankrupted European Christianity as churches emptied out and aristocratic religious leaders became some of the most reviled people on the Continent.

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An Urgent Appeal To My Brother Pastors

After much reflection and contemplation, I have spent the last several months engaging in what one might call "equine dialogues" with my donkeys, who have patiently borne the brunt of my musings. It may not astonish you that these creatures, sharing the moniker with me, have become my greatest confidants. Their silent counsel has been invaluable, guiding me to the clarity necessary for this urgent appeal to you, my colleagues: we need to mentor men in our church and make it one of our highest priorities, or else.

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Introducing The Whitefield Declaration of Faith

After more than three years of editorial work, Nathaniel Bickford (General Editor), Lou Going (Contributing Editor), and Erik Reynolds (Contributing Editor) are excited to introduce to you a new confession of faith in the tradition of the historic confessions of faith of the Protestant Reformation. The Whitefield Declaration of Faith (WDF), named after the town where two of the editors have pastored, is a reformed, credo-baptist, conditionalist confession in the tradition of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order (our starting document), and the London Baptist Confession of Faith.

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Like a Lake

Despite having believed the gospel for decades, over time I had begun to love a works-based self-righteousness that I had accumulated over years of faithful labor as a Christian, a church member, and a pastor. There are many tear stains on my copy of “Dangerous Calling,”, and some of the first of those tears came at the end of the very first chapter, where I wrote in the margin, “I compete for righteousness through theological and Biblical literacy and accuracy.”

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Hard Lessons From the Dechurched: Healthier Information Diets

Three of the biggest reasons people dechurched wasn’t because they lost their faith and belief in Jesus. The most common causes of people to dechurch included the church’s focus on politics (both left and right), parents being uncharitable and hateful towards those who disagreed with them, and the church not actively serving community needs.

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On Juneteenth

Briefly, what is Juneteenth? First, it’s the day we honor the Emancipation Proclamation, President Abraham Lincoln’s directive that all African American enslaved people in the Confederate states were free from slavery.

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