Mentorship Plan: Free Resource
Hey there! I recently shared an article (check it out here) about why mentorship matters so much, especially for pastors. I challenged my fellow pastors to identify, guide, and equip the next generation of church leaders. If you’ve never mentored before, don’t worry, I’d love to help! Reach out to me or the awesome folks at our Ministry Training Institute. We’ve got some good resources in our program that we’re excited to pass along.
For now, I’ve got a little gift for you: a free tool called the Mentee Action Plan (MAP). I adapted it from our MTI curriculum for Oak Hill Bible Church, and it’s yours to grab! Just click here, save a copy to your Google Docs or download it (look under “file” for the option). Oh, and here’s my go-to approach for setting goals with a mentee:
1. Where are they?
What skills do they currently possess? What time constraints do they have? Do they have a background or demonstrated abilities in the area they desire to serve? Example: This person is in their early twenties and has served as a youth ministry volunteer since graduating from High School. They works a full-time job that they are unwilling to give up, and they can dedicate about 10 hours to the ministry weekly.
2. Where do they want to go?
Does this person have a sense of calling to serve in a specific area of ministry? Is that call to our local church or another church? Will that call change over time? Example: This person has a burden to minister to teens, and we need someone to run the youth ministry at our church. There’s room for them to grow into that position.
3. What are they capable of right now?
In what areas don’t they need training or oversight? Example: This person can run large group games, meet with students after school, and find ways to include kids in activities. Academically, she is a good reader, eager to take notes, and follows through on tasks with occasional prodding.
4. What could they be capable of?
Mentors are most important in identifying potential. What tasks or functions are they currently lacking where they could have a talent that hasn’t been nurtured? Where do you see this person in 1, 3, 5, 10 years? Example: This person can explain things pretty well, and importantly, he can hold teen’s attention. We can see him teaching youth group lessons within the year without my supervision. I’d like to see him preach once on Sunday morning in the next 18 months.
5. How hands-on do I need to be, and in what areas?
Does this person require constant follow-up, can be left alone, or somewhere in between? If they aren’t accomplishing their tasks, do I need to check in with them more? Are they self-motivated?
One last thing, make sure you sit down with your mentee! To figure out all this stuff we’ve been discussing, you’ve got to know them, care about them, and be there for them. Ask what they think they can pull off, and if they’re hesitating, give them a nudge forward. As mentors, we cheer them on, challenge them, gently correct them when needed, and sometimes play counselors. Just keep this in mind: how you guide them now will shape how they guide others. This is a divine privilege and responsibility. Do so with care and joy!
Mentee Action Plan
With your mentor, set goals that are focused, realistic, and tied to your competency goals. Effective goals should be SMART:
S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Achievable
R: Results-oriented
T: Time-based
(Focus on competencies important to your organization. Build on your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Look for growth opportunities and learn by doing as well as observing and listening.)
1. Competency: Preaching
Learning Activity: You will prepare a sermon and present it on a Sunday Morning
Start Date: March 1st End Date: May 4th
I have achieved my goal when: On May 4th, you will preach a sermon on Mark 14:1-11. You’ve been given two books on preaching and biblical interpretation. Those books should be complete by March 15th. On March 16th, we will meet to discuss the context and background of your passage. On April 1st, we will meet to discuss observations of your sermon text. On April 8, we will meet to review your outline and discuss your sermon structure. April 15th, we will meet to cover illustrations and applications. On April 22nd, you will preach your sermon at Leadership Lab.
2. Competency: Writing
Learning Activity: Write a 750-word reflection on the resurrection of Jesus
Start Date: March 1st End Date: April 1st
I have achieved my goal when: This will be posted in the church’s monthly email, The Beacon.
3. Competency: Spiritual & Biblical Growth
Learning Activity: Monthly reading assignments
Start Date: March 1st End Date: December 31st
I achieved my goal when: you are assigned the following books, which will be discussed in the following month’s mentorship meeting.
March: Experiencing the Trinity April: Knowing Scripture
May: What is the Gospel? June: Who is Jesus?
July: Disciplines of the Christian Life August: The Life of the Church
September: The Heart of the Church October: The Character of the Church
November: Journey Into God’s Word December: Discover