Theological Mentorship

For weeks, I’ve explored mentorship through a practical lens—crafting ministry strategies, building skills, and outlining the Mentee Action Plan (MAP). These discussions often wove in biblical and theological growth as essential threads, but perhaps you’ve felt a deeper pull. Maybe you’re yearning to sharpen your theological development, refine your methodology, or wrestle with life’s biggest questions: Who is God? Who am I, in relation to Him? These aren’t mere academic pursuits but the heartbeat of a faith that seeks understanding.

John Calvin captures this beautifully: “Nearly all the wisdom we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.” At its core, theology is this dual pursuit: to know God and be known by Him. It’s a journey that spans centuries, connecting us to thinkers who’ve grappled with the same eternal questions we face today. While some of their answers reflect their specific eras, the underlying quest remains timeless. Historical theological mentors offer us a rich legacy, not just of doctrine, but of lived faith. Here, I’ll share five who’ve shaped me most profoundly and how their wisdom continues to guide my path.

1. Saints Athanasius, Gregory of Nazianzus, and Cyril of Alexandria: The Nature of Christ

The early church fathers of Athanasius, Gregory of Nazianzus, and Cyril of Alexandria, were titans of Christology. Athanasius’ fierce defense of Christ’s divinity in On the Incarnation clarified for me why the God-man matters: without a fully divine and fully human Savior, redemption unravels. Gregory’s poetic precision in the Theological Orations taught me the Trinity’s mystery isn’t a puzzle to solve but a truth to adore. With his focus on the unity of Christ’s person, Cyril grounded my awe in the incarnation’s practicality, God entered our mess to redeem it. Together, they’ve mentored me to see Jesus not as an abstract idea, but as the living bridge between God and humanity.

2. John Calvin and Martin Luther: Scripture’s Depth and Application

The Reformation giants, John Calvin and Martin Luther, brought theology out of the ivory tower and into the pew. Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion showed me Scripture’s coherence, how every verse ties into a grand narrative of grace. His emphasis on God’s sovereignty humbled me, shifting my focus from self-reliance to trust. With his raw honesty in works like The Freedom of a Christian, Luther made theology visceral. His insistence on justification by faith alone didn’t just inform my mind; it freed my soul. These mentors taught me that theology isn’t detached—it’s a lens for living, rooted in God’s Word and applied to daily struggles.

3. Richard Sibbes: The Tenderness of Grace

Richard Sibbes, the Puritan preacher, is a mentor of the heart. His work The Bruised Reed unraveled my misconceptions about God’s disposition toward me. Sibbes’ portrayal of Christ as gentle with the weak, never snuffing out a smoldering wick, brought me to my knees. I’d often seen grace as a transaction, but Sibbes revealed it as a relationship, tender and patient. His writings mentored me through seasons of doubt, reminding me that God’s mercy pursues even when I falter. Sibbes is a guide to rest in divine kindness for anyone wrestling with shame.

4. John Murray: Redemption’s Full Scope

John Murray, a 20th-century theologian, deepened my grasp of Christ’s redemptive work. His book Redemption Accomplished and Applied laid out atonement with surgical clarity: Christ’s death didn’t just make salvation possible, it secured it for His people. Murray’s meticulous unpacking of justification, sanctification, and glorification showed me how every step of salvation flows from Jesus’ finished work. He mentored me to marvel at the cross’s sufficiency, turning abstract doctrines into personal anchors. Murray’s precision pulls me back to the gospel’s bedrock when I doubt my standing before God.

5. Herman Bavinck: Thoroughness and Precision

Herman Bavinck, the Dutch Reformed theologian, is a mentor in rigor. His Reformed Dogmatics is a masterclass in weaving theology’s threads of Scripture, philosophy, and culture, into a cohesive tapestry. Bavinck’s refusal to skim surfaces challenges me to dig deeper, whether studying creation, sin, or the church. His balance of head and heart, pairing intellectual heft with pastoral warmth, teaches me that theology isn’t cold analysis; it’s a pursuit of truth that shapes life. Bavinck continues to mentor me in precision, urging me to ask hard questions and seek robust answers.

A Living Mentorship

These theological giants: Athanasius, Gregory, Cyril, Calvin, Luther, Sibbes, Murray, and Bavinck, aren’t just names in books. They’ve walked with me, shaping how I read Scripture, pray, and live. Their mentorship isn’t static; it invites engagement. You don’t need to agree with every word to glean their wisdom. Start where you stand, pick up The Bruised Reed or On the Incarnation, wrestle with their ideas, and let them guide you toward knowing God and yourself more fully.

Theological mentorship isn’t about mastering facts; it’s about meeting God in the questions. Where do you need to grow? What truths are you hungry to explore? These voices from the past are ready to mentor you, not as distant echoes, but as companions on the journey.