Jeff shares a preview of the Christmas narratives from his new book Devotions From Luke’s Gospel.
Jefferson Vann shares a section from his new book: Devotions from Mark’s Gospel.
In “A devotional on Leviticus” Jefferson Vann shares a section of his new book.
Jefferson Vann shares an excerpt from his recent book Devotions from Exodus
Jefferson Vann shares some excerpts from his latest translation of the book of Genesis.
Jefferson Vann celebrates the completion of his translation of the Bible, and highlights some of his unique renderings in Revelation.
In “In Defense of an Individual Translation,” Jefferson Vann explains why he is translating the Bible since so many good modern translations exist.
Jefferson Vann shares a report on his Bible translation project.
In “When implication hijacks meaning” Jefferson Vann shares a pet peeve about modern Bible translation.
In "A conditionalist translates 2 Peter" Jefferson Vann shares his translation notes on 2 Peter, with special reference to texts that imply conditional immortality.
In “a resurrection in Zarephath” Jefferson Vann suggests a new translation of 1 Kings 17:21-22.
Jefferson Vann explains his translation of 1 Peter 2:13-15.
Jefferson Vann shows how biblical terms for death help to counter the notion that it involves conscious survival.
Jefferson Vann examines how the book of Job uses the Hebrew word ‘erets.
In “Maclaren on Genesis 2:17” Jefferson Vann responds to some 19th-century arguments against conditional immortality based on that text.
Jefferson Vann discusses his translation of the Hebrew word na’ar in 1 Samuel.
In “the difference that day made” Jefferson Vann shares some thoughts about the meaning of Christmas.
In “spirit and soul in 1 Samuel” Jefferson Vann examines some metonymies in that book and suggests a different approach to their translation.
In "Psalm 104:29" Jefferson Vann compares various reflections on this verse and explains its significance in the debate over the state of human beings at death.
In “the challenge of translating Matthew 6:25” Jefferson Vann discusses how that verse has been translated historically and makes a case for an alternate translation.
Jefferson Vann shares a way of keeping track of digital data: the digital index.
In “word abusers” Jefferson Vann addresses R.S. MacArthur’s assertion that proponents of conditional immortality abuse the true meaning of biblical words.
Jefferson Vann shares how to build a digital biblical library if all you have is a computer with an Internet connection.
In “a sinister desolation” Jefferson Vann sheds some Old Testament light on an often misunderstood New Testament text.
Jefferson Vann shares an article explaining why Paul said that “to die is gain” in Philippians 1:21.
In “Research on my suggested translation of τῶν οὐρανῶν” Jefferson Vann attempts to prove that the Greek phrase can mean “from the sky” and asks for feedback.
Jefferson Vann talks about the meaning of the phrase “eternal judgment” as it appears in Hebrews 6:2.
In “the best Christmas gift” Jefferson Vann shares some thoughts about the gift of Jesus Christ, based on his translation of Hebrews 1:1-4.
In "Some thoughts on interpreting the epistles" Jefferson Vann warns Advent Christians about the danger of obsessing over the details in the New Testament epistles.
a quote from Jeff’s recent book.