A Devotional on EXODUS

I have recently finished the second pass on the Book of Exodus. I published this translation in my book “Devotions from Exodus” which is now available as a Kindle e-book from Amazon. Here is an excerpt:

the ministering women       Exodus 37:25-38:8


Exodus 37:25 He made the altar of incense of acacia wood. Its length was a cubit, and its breadth was a cubit. It was square, and two cubits was its height. Its horns were carved from one piece with it.

Exodus 37:26 He plated it with pure gold, its top and around its sides and its horns. And he made a border of gold around it,

Exodus 37:27 and made two rings of gold on it under its border, on two opposite sides of it, as houses for the poles with which to carry it.

Exodus 37:28 And he made the poles of acacia wood and plated them with gold.

Exodus 37:29 He made the sacred anointing oil also, and the pure aromatic incense, blended like the perfumer would.

Exodus 38:1 He made the altar of ascending offering of acacia wood. Its length was five cubits, and its breadth five cubits. It was square, and three cubits was its height.

Exodus 38:2 He made horns for it on its four corners. Its horns were carved of one piece with it, and he plated it with bronze.

Exodus 38:3 And he made all the utensils of the altar, the pots, the shovels, the basins, the forks, and the fire pans. He made all its utensils of bronze.

Exodus 38:4 And he made for the altar a grating, a network of bronze, under its ledge, extending halfway down.

Exodus 38:5 He cast four rings on the four corners of the bronze grating as houses for the poles.

Exodus 38:6 He made the poles of acacia wood and plated them with bronze.

Exodus 38:7 And he put the poles through the rings on the sides of the altar to carry it with them. He made it hollow, with boards.

Exodus 38:8 He made the basin of bronze and its stand of bronze, fashioned from the mirrors of the ministering women who ministered in the entrance of the conference tent.


the ministering women


Stuart says that it “appears that women were organized into bands that served at the tent of meeting.”[1] In fact, the word for their service is not the usual one. It is the word usually used for soldiers in an army. Aside from that, we know little of what they did. But it is significant that at least part of the bronze basin was made from the bronze mirrors of these same women. They must have been rich, and probably prominent in their tribes. Perhaps they were greeters at the entrance of the tent. The role was no doubt a sought-after one. Their presence in this sacred place would be a message from the LORD that his worship is for everyone. It is not an exclusive club for the men only.


Dear lady in Christ, do not think that you are a second-class citizen in the kingdom of God. There is no such thing. What the Father said here, the Holy Spirit said by pouring himself out upon the believers at Pentecost, resulting in the daughters of Israel prophesying in his name.[2] And, in the Lord Jesus Christ there is neither male nor female.[3] You are equal to your brothers in Christ in all respects, because God has no favorites,[4] and he challenges us to show no favoritism.[5]


Thank you, LORD, for those godly women who serve in your holy army. May they be treated with the respect that they deserve as your ministers.


[1] Douglas K. Stuart, New American Commentary, vol. 2 – Exodus. (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group), 2006.

[2] Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17.

[3] Galatians 3:28.

[4] Acts 10:34.

[5] James 2:1.

All Jeff’s 14 books are available through Amazon from his author’s page.