Embodying The Mission: 5 Recommendations

“If you don’t do anything else, spend time with people in your community. Care for them, love them, champion them, and learn about them. Find out what is important to people. What do they love and care about? What brings them joy and what are they afraid of? What do they believe? Can you articulate what they believe in a way they would affirm?“

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An Appeal to all Advent Christians, Who Affirm Christ’s Full Deity and Humanity, A Follow Up

I am responding to those who asked questions and made pertinent comments about my previous post on ACV’s Facebook page.  I do not have a Facebook account and was not able to respond on that platform. ..If faith is genuine and saving then when it is presented with the truth of Christ being the Great I Am, who, as the Word, became flesh, in order to save sinners, such faith will welcome this glorious truth and not oppose it.   

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Church or Movement? Advent Christians Must Decide

Loosening our grip on some of our distinctives would only amount to extinction if we are a movement, not a church. Movements must be steadfast in maintaining their niche points of concern, but churches need not…If the Advent Christian church shifted to positions of neutrality on certain secondary doctrines we would remain the church no matter the degree to which we redefine Advent Christian identity.

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An Appeal to all Advent Christians, Who Affirm Christ’s Full Deity and Humanity

I am writing this as an appeal to my fellow Advent Christians who personally hold to the full deity and humanity of Christ in his one person but who do not want to challenge those in our ranks who have no conviction regarding this teaching or who actually oppose it. Before I make the particular appeal let me state some assumptions and offer two points for you to consider.

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We’re overwhelmed with labels these days. Political labels. Religious labels. Cultural labels. Even labels designed to describe human sexuality. Trust me, many of those labels are not flattering. As you read, I’m sure you can think of unflattering labels and names all the way back into your childhood. I know I can.

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Robert Mayer Comments
Help for Aspiring Theologians (which includes all of us)

A half-century ago during my college years, my Christian faith ran into a ditch. I made a profession of faith in 1965 and I hung around youth groups for a number of years. I even dived into Pentecostalism and its highly expressive versions of Christianity. But the ditch came in the form of hard questions about life and living. My understanding of Scripture was low. And my questions were large.

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Robert Mayer Comment
Christian Marriage - A Living Portrait of Christ and the Church

Paul’s exhortation that the believing husband is to love his wife rather than dominate her shows that the Gospel is to shape how the husband is to be in relationship with his wife.   All notions that the wife’s submission to her husband is for his personal happiness, self-interest or to massage his ego do not stand under the weight of the text.  She is not to sacrifice for him but he is to sacrifice for her.   Headship and submission within a Christian marriage is fueled by Gospel grace and is a portrait of the covenant relation between Christ and the church.  

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Louis Going Comment
The Sky Isn’t Falling

Four key events and issues could make it seem like things are dire. The situation may be critical. You be the judge. However, I’d caution you that God is at work even in the worst situations. If Jesus overcame the grave, then he can undoubtedly overcome our dilemma. These four issues include Dr. Matt Larkin’s departure from MTI and his role as Coordinator of Leadership Development, the discontinuation of the Maranatha Daily Devotional, the ongoing pastoral shortage, and the deficit of quality leaders for denominational leadership positions.

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Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and there is much to be thankful for. It’s always good to write down the things for which we are grateful be it in a journal or a more public place like a blog post. We can be thankful for things big and small, and writing them down helps me to ponder things that I too often take for granted. So, here’s my list:

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Robert MayerComment