Posts tagged suffering
"What a Loving God Would Not Do"

“Confession: I am an annihilationist. I believe that the wicked will be resurrected on the last day, judged and condemned by God Almighty, and cast into hell to suffer and die. Some of my fellow annihilationists may have just experienced a bit of theological whiplash. You were offering a hearty “Amen” to my belief statement until I threw in the word “suffer.” If that describes you, put on your big boy/big girl pants, because I’ve got something to say that you might not like…”

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9 Lessons Learned in 9 Years of Pastoral Ministry

As I’ve concluded nine years in pastoral ministry and transitioned to a new season of ministry at the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies I’ve taken some time to reflect on my experience as a shepherd of God’s flock – the ups, the downs, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I’m not at all claiming to have enlightened reflections, superior wisdom, or the keys to ministry success – and it didn’t take me nine years to figure that out. Nevertheless, by God’s grace and mostly through error, I have learned a lot. So I humbly offer these reflections as an expression of my gratitude for God’s sustaining grace and for the seemingly limitless patience of my Faith Church family. 

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Strength for Today…Bright Hope for Tomorrow: How the Resurrection Shapes our Suffering

 “You do not know what tomorrow will bring.”  As if these words in James 4:14 aren’t unsettling enough, the verse goes on to remind us of the uncertainty of our existence:  “What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”  In other words, tomorrow…life could be drastically changed forever.

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