Posts tagged leadership
Help! We Don't Have A Pastor

The Advent Christian Church is not the only network or denomination struggling with finding called and qualified pastors. I remember sitting in a Church Revitalization class at Gordon-Conwell in South Hamilton when one of our Professors would bring in the ABC equivalent to Superintendents. Each one would provide some type of insight on church leadership or revitalization but would always take 10 minutes to pitch to eager seminary students why they should consider one of their many open churches in New England.

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Occupy Till I Come: The Origins of Aurora University in Mendota, Illinois, 1893-1912. A review by Dr. Mark Woolfington.  

“Occupy till I come” was an important catch-phrase among the leaders of the early Adventist movement, as it reflected their belief that since Christ’s return was imminent, the people of God should occupy themselves with the task of sharing the Gospel and other important work. This mind-set stood in contrast to the popular (and largely debunked) image of the Millerites abandoning their daily work and possessions to await Christ’s return.

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The Physics of the Missio Dei: a Leadership Series (P2B)

Some characterize God’s mission in the Old Testament as only one of gathering and see God’s mission in the New Testament as only one of scattering.  But there are elements of both mass and acceleration in God’s plan for His people and the nations of the world in both testaments that need to be seen.

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The Physics of the Missio Dei: a Leadership Series (P1)

There is something intriguing about the notion that the smallest elements of matter that make up all of life are, possibly, vibrating strings, as it would seem to imply theologically that God is then the great maestro conducting the symphony of the universe – and He cannot end without the music of existence ending too.  In short, creation testifies to an active God who did not just “set it and forget it,” but who created, sustains, and holds it altogether by the active power of His will (Heb. 1:1-2:8). 

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The Ten Commandments of Leadership: Leadership Lessons for Church Leaders from my Time as an Army Leader

I have recently transitioned to a new ministry. In so doing, I have taken some time for reflection. After spending about four years in church ministry and eight years in the United States Army, I’d like to share with you some reflections on what I believe to be transferable leadership principles that guided me while serving in the world’s premiere fighting force. I could have made the list twice as long, there are things that are important that have been left out. However, these ten could help you as a leader of God’s people (I hope). Some you will see echo biblical principles, others are simply anecdotal and come purely from my experiences.

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Leadership Development: Where We’ve Been, Where We Must Go

1987. This was the year campus operations ceased at Berkshire Christian College. At that time, Berkshire was the primary means through which pastors were trained and developed within the Advent Christian Church. It had been more than a decade since pastoral studies programs had ceased at the Advent Christian Church’s other college, Aurora College, so with Berkshire’s closure, the Advent Christian Church was left without a clear avenue through which pastors and key denominational leaders could emerge.

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Church & Seminary Together: a response to "Where Are Tomorrow's Leaders?"

In the article, “Where Are Tomorrow’s Leaders?” published recently on the Advent Christian Voices website, and reprinted from the Advent Christian Witness, veteran Advent Christian pastor Steven Brown poses an important question.  He argues that the traditional model of theological education in a seminary or divinity school no longer serves the needs of the Advent Christian Church.

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