Posts tagged house church
What I Saw in House Church

So I attended a house church.

This was brought about by what had become the routine invitation by an acquaintance. My excuses for not attending finally felt uncomfortable enough that I accepted. I had no real experience with the conduct of house churches, and at the time my life had generally improved having worked towards a habit of not having an opinion, the labor of which being most directed towards events like church. By the time I had found a use for thinking charitably.

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The Fragmentation of Christian Perspective- with special attention given to the Book of Acts (3/4)

“In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity,”[1] but what are the essentials?  While both R.C. Sproul and John MacArthur can share a pulpit to give their differing positions on baptism (infant vs. believers baptism respectively), and speak at the same  conferences, the fact remains that if R.C. Sproul were faithfully attending MacArthur’s church he still would not meet the requirements for membership and therefore could not join.  While the general concept of baptism is necessary in order to be unified with the essentials o

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