Posts tagged Jesus
Jesus Didn’t Go to Heaven When He Died

Most of us are familiar with the Easter narrative. In fact, many of us feel so familiar with the details that we don’t suppose there’s anything we have left unconsidered. Jesus died on the cross and rose again - that’s all there is to it. Three days no doubt felt like eternity to the disciples, but it is little trouble for us to rush between the cross and the empty tomb. We always do like to get to the good part.

But would you allow me to trouble you?

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Did Jesus “Hang Out” with Sinners?

Scrolling through Facebook just the other day, I came across a meme that must have been circulating since the new year; it was a New Year’s Resolution meme. It read, “This year, I resolve to be more like Jesus,” which is great to hear. The list that followed had some good general goals such as, “Love people more,” along with some more whimsical ones like, “Take naps on boats.” But one stood out to me among all of the others; it read, “Hang out with sinners.” Of course, this got me thinking and asking some questions perhaps too deep to be wasted on a trifling thing like a meme, but important questions with real consequences nonetheless.

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The Beauty of the Holy Land

As the plane pierced through the clouds, we got our first look at the Mediterranean. The sun glistened off the sea and islands dotted the endless blue tapestry below us. About twenty minutes after that astonishing experience, we saw the Holy Land. I had a feeling deep down in my stomach, one that I hadn’t felt for a long time. I felt at home. 

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