Posts in Interviews
3 Things I Found at Triennial

Original Post: Identity: What does it mean to be an Advent Christian?

Answer: With the passing of our new Statement of Faith we have given ourselves a much greater sense of identity. Advent Christians are Evangelical followers of Jesus Christ who seek to make Christ’s name known throughout the world with a longing for the imminent return of Christ, finding our only hope in Him.

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A Non-Creedal Voice in Favor of the Statement of Faith: Dave Ross shares his opinion with Corey McLaughlin

I do not believe that there is the remotest chance that this proposed [Statement of Faith] will fail to pass at the Triennial Convention.  I personally know of no one, for sure, that is planning to vote against it.* 

We successfully passed the resolution for ACGC to officially embrace the NAE Statement of Faith and become a full member of NAE at the 1987 ACGC Convention (in Charleston, WV, of all places; at the time a bastion of A.C. non-trinitarianism).

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A Voice Against the Statement of Faith: a conversation with Dr. John H. Roller

These are excerpts from an informal email exchange between Dr. john H. Roller and Pastor Corey McLaughlin that have been edited and shared with permission in hopes of creating dialogue about the upcoming Triennial vote on the Statement of Faith. This statement is the same as that of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). 

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"Younger Pastors" & the Restoration Network: a conversation with Andy Rice and Derek Irvine

Tom Loghry: We’re here talking with Andy Rice and Derek Irvine, the dual-creative force behind the “younger pastors” phenomenon that is afoot in the Eastern Region of the Advent Christian denomination. Before getting to our questions about “young pastors”, would you each mind sharing with us just a little bit about yourselves?

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