Introducing: Just A Glimpse
Just A Glimpse
with Catherine Rybicki
I ask a lot of questions. I am a question asker. Sometimes, I voice those questions aloud. But, normally I’m quiet. Silent, and with a racing mind that is full of questions. There are times when the questions race through my mind so quickly, I can’t even keep up.
One of the best questions I ever asked was “Who is Jesus, and how can I know him?” A close runner-up was “I want to study the Bible more intently – how do I do that?” One question that had quite an impact: “Where should I go to seminary?” And a question that began a multi-faceted project in my area of research interest: “Why are the no women on these shelves?”
I love questions because they act as a springboard. They serve as a foundation for something more to build on. The question of “Who is Jesus, and how can I know him?” led to something. It led to my developing a relationship with the living Christ.
“Why are there no women on these shelves?” led to “What are the names of some Advent Christian female leaders?” and “Where can I find documented history on these Adventist women?” That was a particularly powerful springboard that had a domino-like effect which led me down a road of questions and research and writing. This question also led to the discovery that quite often, the books on the shelves offer just a glimpse as well. There is always more research to be done.
The thing I love most about questions, is that when you follow that line of curiosity, they offer just a glimpse into something bigger. My questions offer just a glimpse into my mind. My research offers just a glimpse into a whole period of American religious history. I love to follow my questions with more questions. I love questions because they offer a glimpse into the miraculous and fascinating; into the wondrous and intriguing. If something piques your curiosity, offering you just a glimpse of a bigger idea – jump after it.
Some of you may know me as the girl who wrote about Rev. Mrs. Miriam McKinstry, and Abigail Mussey here on Advent Christian Voices. Others may know me as the girl who went to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Some may have even known me as that curious little girl from Georgia.
But, through this blog, I hope to offer you just a glimpse into my mind, my questions, my research, my opinions, my ideas.
And so, I introduce to you: Just a Glimpse.