"The Blessed Hope Catechism": A Practice of Devotion w/ Erik Reynolds (Q5)
“... And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you…”
Question 5: Who is God the Holy Spirit?
Answer: He is my Counselor, Comforter and Teacher.
What could’ve been greater than walking with Jesus during his earthly ministry? One would be able to worship him face to face, witness his miracles, ask him questions, and relate with him in a truly unique way. However, Jesus promised his disciples something even greater, to walk with the Spirit inside of them.
Though we look upon the cross as our hope and salvation, holding Christ dear to our hearts. We are passionate about our Savior, but only because the Holy Spirit has renewed our hearts so that we can love Christ. You wouldn’t truly know Christ apart from the Spirit. He counsels you by convicting you of your sin and pointing you to Christ. He comforts you by applying God’s grace and mercy. He teaches you the things of God by opening up your eyes. All of this is done through God’s Word.
The Spirit counsels you according to the Word. The Spirit Comforts you with the Word. The Spirit Teaches you from the Word. You must be saturated with the Word of God, seeking Christ, and actively pursuing the Spirit to renew your soul with the hope of the Gospel. You have God indwelling you, which is greater than walking with him.
*This devotional is inspired by the Advent Christian Blessed Hope Catechism. You can purchase a copy of that catechism on Amazon.