"The Blessed Hope Catechism": A Practice of Devotion w/ Erik Reynolds (Q3)
“God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” (Exodus 3:14)”
Question 3: Who is God the Father?
Answer: He is Yahweh; the Creator, Ruler, Sustainer and Restorer of all things.
No father is perfect except for God the Father. He created all things and called it good; man he made “very good”. He continued to rule over all creation and made man his emissary on earth to have dominion and tame all that God had created. Then when his children decided to rebel against him, the Father promised to restore their relationship to him based on no merit of their own.
The Gospel and work of Christ is found in all of Scripture. Yet the Gospel has its grounding in creation and the subsequent fall of man. The Father continues to rule over creation through his sovereign reign; he sustains all things by holding everything together according to his will; he will restore all things when he sends Christ a second time in the creation of a new heaven and new earth.
Do you rest in this joy? The joy of knowing that your Father is in heaven should be greater than any joy found here on earth. Your earthly father, no matter how wonderful, can’t compare to the perfection found in your God. He is perfectly just, merciful, loving, and yes even vengeful. He rules perfectly because his will is perfect and he is sending the Savior again to restore all things. This means that you should spend your life seeking his will and exulting him as the greatest object of your affection.
*This devotional is inspired by the Advent Christian Blessed Hope Catechism. You can purchase a copy of that catechism on Amazon.