A Gift that Keeps Burning
This originally appeared on John Gallagher’s personal blog - JGT4charis
I have not written in some time. To be honest, I have not had anything compelling enough to stir me to write… until today. I love the holiday season. I love the traditions, the time with family and friends. I love the reminder of all God has done for us in Christ. I love the decorations, the music, even the ugly sweaters out there…
But this holiday season has been a jumbled rush to me this year. Sure, there is the typical Christmas activities, but it is more than that. The jumbled rush has been for good and difficult reasons. It is the difficult reason for this jumbled rush that draws my attention. While in Tennessee for Thanksgiving and to see our first grandchild (the good reason) I received a phone call. One of the young women in our church went into the hospital with pneumonia. Within 3 hours of that call Kimber had passed away. She was 37.
Kimber had grown into being a vital part of our children and youth ministry at the church. I watched and worked along side her at times in the ministry – watching her get more and more involved. At first, it was primarily for her daughter, to be involved with her. But over time that grew to a commitment to the ministry to kids. Kimber wasn’t an up front, public leader. And yet there were times she took on that role. She had figured out how to lead from behind – without being the dominant force. It is this shocking, sudden loss of a friend, family, ministry co-worker that has jumbled things all up.
I don’t know why this was Kimber’s time. In fact, I am not even wondering why. I am more concerned with what is God saying in all of this. In the last ten days, the sense of how fragile life is has become more real. We hide from how quickly things can change. For me, the weight on my heart is a call to make the most of every moment with others. We may not have another. I need to make the most of just spending time with others as if they are the most important thing at that moment. I need to make the most of every moment by sharing what Christ can do in them. I need to make the most of every moment by being prepared for God to work through me in the lives of others by spending time with Jesus in His Word so I am ready. I need to make the most of every moment with the confidence that God’s hand is on my life wherever I go and with whomever I speak…
The most profound impact of Kimber’s life hit me today. Sunday night we had our children’s ministry and we have a closing time with everyone together. Looking back, I realized I was on holy ground at that moment. It was my Moses and the burning bush moment. Kimber’s daughter was up front helping in leading the singing and closing prayer. I couldn’t help but think of how much she looked like her Mom, or how proud she would have been of her being right where she was. Replaying it in my mind, I realized I was watching the influence of Kimber’s life, as well as other adults in our church. I’m not sure SaraBeth even thought of it in that way. She just went up to help as she had been doing. But in that act I saw a burning bush. Which leads to the most profound insight of my jumbled rush holiday season. The most important gift we can give another is a love for Jesus that leads to a love for serving Him.
If you are like me, all your Christmas shopping isn’t complete. I hope you get it all done. I do, however, have a suggestion for a gift. You can’t wrap it or put it under a tree. Give the gift of a burning bush. Give the gift of a life so in love with Jesus and serving Him that others are inspired to love and serve Jesus in big and small ways.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. – Hebrews 12:1-3
Here’s to giving out On Fire gifts,