I have a confession to make: I find it a challenge to pray. It is not something I can easily do. It is hard also to be consistent in praying daily and regularly throughout the day. Prayer cannot be formalized or systematized. For me prayer exposes my weakness and at times my raw unbelief but maybe that is not so bad. If we come to prayer with a sense of our sufficiency to pray then are we indeed praying?
Read MoreAs you read the New Testament there are times when it seems that the Law is viewed negatively and there are times when it seems to be viewed positively. We can use Paul’s letter to the Romans to make this point. He sees the law as something under which the unbeliever is in bondage. Those who come to faith in Christ are not under law but under grace (Romans 4:14, 7:6). So in some sense the law is something from which we need to be delivered or set free.
Read MoreFreeman Barton came from a New Hampshire farm family. In spite of his quiet and soft spoken manner he was as solid as New Hampshire granite. At the core of his life, of course, was his faith in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and his unswerving commitment to the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word, the Bible.
Read MoreI have been following the posts and video debate of my fellow Advent Christians Catherine Rybicki, Luke Copeland and Robert Mayer concerning egalitarianism and complementarianism. By now I am sure all those who are regulars at Advent Christian Voices have no need for these terms to be defined or explained. Of these two positions I do believe that the complementarian one is the harder of the two to hold.
Read MoreThe more I consider the political and cultural landscape of our country the more concerned I become that many professing Christians are confusing the fight for moral or traditional values with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Read MoreIn John chapter six we find the record of Jesus miraculously feeding over five thousand people. This, along with his miracles of healing, John calls, "signs." They were signs of the presence of God's Kingdom coming into the world in the person of the Jesus Christ. As such they were pointers to his deity and to his work as God's appointed Messiah.
Read MoreThe Gospel is really very counter intuitive. We are wired as Pharisees. We have a hard time understanding the nature of grace. Even though we confess that we believe God saves us by grace, we tend to operate in the arena of works. We are basically performance driven. We live on a treadmill of performance in how we conceive of God dealing with us. We are treated by others this way and we treat others this way. But God does not treat his born again and justified children in this way. It is God’s grace relied upon and even to some degree felt that motivates his children to live in in loving obedience to him rather than in a quid pro quo performance oriented existence.
Read MoreGod looks at you and says: "You are my dearly loved child and I am well pleased with you." Or God says, "I am your Father and you are acceptable to me." We can be that bold in proclaiming God's favor to us as those who have been justified by faith in Christ.
Read MoreThe puritan theologian John Owen in his treatise on the Trinity entitled “Communion with the Triune God,” shows how believers may have intimate communion with the persons of the Godhead. This is seen in Paul’s benediction from 2 Corinthians 13:14, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
Read MoreWe are by nature worshipers. We worship with our mind, our emotions, our will and our words. These dynamics are in one sense working simultaneously and apply to false worship, as well as, to the worship that the living God calls us to give to him. Another way to look at worship is to speak of the levels of worship.
Read MoreSin is often and correctly seen to be disobedience and rebellion. Yet it is also idolatry; idolatry of the heart. As such, sin is binding and blinding. Sin is also foolish and stupid. My purpose is to get you to think about the issue so you will be better able to repent and humble yourself under God's gracious and mighty hand. Just do not think of idols as statues or icons. They are “no-gods,” for sure, nevertheless idols control our hearts as we foolishly give ourselves to them.
Read MoreIt is a privilege to blog for Advent Christian Voices. My posts will be a bit eclectic but the overall trajectory of what I will write and aim to communicate concerns what I call Gospel consciousness. This simply means striving to maintain and grow in one’s awareness of the Gospel.
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